Journal of Information Economics

oa Open Access

E-ISSN: 2972-3671

Journal of Information Economics (JIE) is an international journal that aims to publish peer-reviewed research about the production, distribution, use and management of information. JIE seeks a scholarly understanding that is based on empirical research and builds novel theoretical contributions. The purpose of the journal is to provide an interdisciplinary and international forum for theoretical and empirical research that addresses the needs of other researchers, government, and professionals who are involved in the policy-making process. Papers that provoke critical thinking on important subjects are welcomed, including articles that focus on research impact and contributions to knowledge in our special section. The aim is to provide a forum that brings together innovative, reflective, and rigorous scholarship while being relevant for practice.

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Open Access Journal Article
Does the foreign negative list system aggravate domestic banking industry risks?
by Zineb Hminna , Xuehuan Lu , Tianlei Dai  and  Huiping Gao
JIE  2024 2(2):27; 10.58567/jie02020001 - 15 June 2024
In the context of the continuous deepening reform of the foreign investment negative list system and the increasing pressure on financial risk prevention and resolution, it is of great significance to study the impact of the foreign investment negative list system on banking risks. This study is conducted on the basis of systematically sorting out the mechanism of the foreign n [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Cloud computing and extensive margins of exports: Evidence for manufacturing firms from 27 EU countries
by Joachim Wagner
JIE  2024 2(1):26; 10.58567/jie02010005 - 15 March 2024
The use of cloud computing by firms can be expected to go hand in hand with higher productivity, more innovations, and lower costs, and, therefore, should be positively related to export activities. Empirical evidence on the link between cloud computing and exports, however, is missing. This paper uses firm level data for manufacturing enterprises from the 27 member countries o [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Assessing the impact of digitalization on environmental efficiency: Do population factors and institutional factors Matter?
by Xiaoli Hao , Yuhong Li , Shufang Wen  and  Lulu Zhang
JIE  2024 2(1):25; 10.58567/jie02010004 - 15 March 2024
The digital transformation provides an opportunity for the development of a green and low-carbon economy. This study used panel data collected from 30 Chinese provinces between 2011 and 2018, and assessed the impact of digitization (Dig) on environmental efficiency (EE). Quantile regression is employed to scrutinize the evolution of the marginal effect. From the perspectives of [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Does Higher Price Transparency Imply Lower Prices and Less Price Dispersion in Healthcare Markets? An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Compliance with the Hospital Price Transparency Final Rule in the Greater Los Angeles Area
by Sebastian van Baal  and  Jordan M. Strang
JIE  2024 2(1):24; 10.58567/jie02010003 - 15 March 2024
The Hospital Price Transparency Final Rule aims at reducing the cost of healthcare in the United States by making information about the prices of medical services more readily available to market participants. The economic rationale is that higher price transparency should reduce the level and the dispersion of prices by disincentivizing hospitals from charging higher prices th [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Does Nomination Committee Matter for Innovation?
by Meriam Attia , Ouidad Yousfi  and  AbdelWahed Omri
JIE  2024 2(1):23; 10.58567/jie02010002 - 15 March 2024
This study analyzes how the presence and the composition of nomination committees could influence innovation. Specifically, we focus on the committee size, the frequency of meetings, and the presence of independent and female members. Innovation is measured by (1) the firm’s ability to produce innovations such as new or improved products/processes and the number of patent [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Welfare fragmented information effects: The cost-benefit analysis and Trade-offs
by Emna Trabelsi
JIE  2024 2(1):22; 10.58567/jie02010001 - 15 March 2024
We offer an extensive analysis of the significance of information within the realm of Gaussian quadratic economies. We build upon the seminal papers of Morris and Shin (2002, 2007) and consider a signal game of incomplete information. Particularly, we question the suitability of partial transparency portrayed by fragmented information in addition to the private signal in terms [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Innovation under environmental constraints: Does corporate environmental responsibility matter in green innovation?
by Haitao Wu , Shiyao Xia , Xiaofei Long , Jingyan Chen , Chenzejia Li  and  Yu Hao
JIE  2024 1(4):21; 10.58567/jie01040005 - 15 January 2024
When human civilization is thriving to the rapid economic and social development, the deteriorating ecological environment has also pressured the society to put environmental protection issues on the agenda future development. Therefore, green innovation is not merely a requirement for a corporate’s long-term development but the basics of sustainable development of human [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Different perspectives on open data in agriculture: a case study on olive oil
by Antonia Ferrer Sapena , Ezgi Erdogan , Eduardo Jiménez Fernández , Elena Sánchez Arnau , Enrique A. Sanchez Perez  and  Christian Vidal Cabo
JIE  2024 1(4):20; 10.58567/jie01040004 - 15 January 2024
Achieving food security through improved agricultural technology is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Indeed, it is one of the elements explicitly mentioned in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One factor that can lead to improved production and distribution systems is the availability of data of all kinds on the sector. In this paper we study what is happenin [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Digital economy drives the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry in Hebei Province
by Shi Yin , Jianfang Li , Jiayi Yin  and  Tahir Mahmood
JIE  2024 1(4):19; 10.58567/jie01040003 - 09 January 2024
In the context of digital economy, Hebei Province, as an important province in central China, has a huge manufacturing base and potential, and the development of digital economy has driven the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry to a certain extent. In order to better play the driving role of digital economy in the transformation and upgrading of manufacturin [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Modern cloud technologies for business and industry: opportunities and trends for Russian & Global markets
by Igor Vladimirov , Alexander Vicentiy  and  Oleg Gavrilov
JIE  2024 1(4):18; 10.58567/jie01040001 - 08 January 2024
Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing domains of the IT industry, however, the growth rates for each of the models on a global and local (Russian) scale have not been generalized, despite the obvious value of such analysis. Modern business and industry in Russia is going through another period of instability and at the same time is forced to follow the trend of digitali [...] Read more