This paper analyses the influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on organizational change in SMEs that have yet to be internationalized. A Likert scale questionnaire was applied to 78 SMEs in the change process. The significance level was sought in an ANOVA (analysis of variance) by linking variables concerning ICT, on the one hand, and the effects of ICT on organizational change, on the other hand, as well as specific issues that may promote or hinder the implementation of organizational change. The findings of this study show that both the frequency and the intensity of the ICT backlog were the most influential elements in change management. The main conclusion is that backwardness can be advantageous in specific economic contexts, mainly when the SMEs are oriented toward a part of the population with less experience in the use of technologies or the company is in a country where ICT consumption is not maximized because ICT has exceeded the needs and expectations of the population.
Bellon Álvarez, L. A.; González Alvarado, T. E.; Sánchez Gutiérrez, J. Organizational Change in Small and Medium Enterprises: Technological Backwardness. Journal of Information Economics, 2024, 2, 31.
AMA Style
Bellon Álvarez L A, González Alvarado T E, Sánchez Gutiérrez J. Organizational Change in Small and Medium Enterprises: Technological Backwardness. Journal of Information Economics; 2024, 2(2):31.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Bellon Álvarez, Luis A.; González Alvarado, Tania E.; Sánchez Gutiérrez, José 2024. "Organizational Change in Small and Medium Enterprises: Technological Backwardness" Journal of Information Economics 2, no.2:31.
APA style
Bellon Álvarez, L. A., González Alvarado, T. E., & Sánchez Gutiérrez, J. (2024). Organizational Change in Small and Medium Enterprises: Technological Backwardness. Journal of Information Economics, 2(2), 31.
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