Using an international dataset, this letter finds that high stock returns are associated with increased death rates from drug use disorders. Although the out-of-pocket expenditure on healthcare also rises following a stock market surge, the net effect on life expectancy is significantly negative.
Wisniewski, T. P.; Lambe, B. J. Getting high on the market: Stock price movements, drug abuse, and health implications. Financial Economics Letters, 2023, 2, 13.
AMA Style
Wisniewski T P, Lambe B J. Getting high on the market: Stock price movements, drug abuse, and health implications. Financial Economics Letters; 2023, 2(2):13.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Wisniewski, Tomasz P.; Lambe, Brendan J. 2023. "Getting high on the market: Stock price movements, drug abuse, and health implications" Financial Economics Letters 2, no.2:13.
APA style
Wisniewski, T. P., & Lambe, B. J. (2023). Getting high on the market: Stock price movements, drug abuse, and health implications. Financial Economics Letters, 2(2), 13.
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