By introducing time to build, which creates a time-lag between government investment and the accumulation of productive capital, into an analysis of fiscal stimulus to the economy with financial frictions, we find that the effectiveness of fiscal policy is dampened. While the weakening effects of time to build become significantly weaker alongside with a higher fraction of government bonds allocated to leverage-constrained banks, which can be explained by a high correlation between time to build and financial frictions in both worsening balance sheet conditions of banks. Furthermore, the stimulus effects of public investment become stronger associated with shorter time-to-build period.
Ao, Z.; Chen, Z.; Nie, H. Time to build, financial frictions, and the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus. Financial Economics Letters, 2022, 1, 3.
AMA Style
Ao Z, Chen Z, Nie H. Time to build, financial frictions, and the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus. Financial Economics Letters; 2022, 1(1):3.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ao, Zhiming; Chen, Ziyue; Nie, He 2022. "Time to build, financial frictions, and the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus" Financial Economics Letters 1, no.1:3.
APA style
Ao, Z., Chen, Z., & Nie, H. (2022). Time to build, financial frictions, and the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus. Financial Economics Letters, 1(1), 3.
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