Issue 3 (September)

Vol. 1 (2023), JIE

5 articles

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Open Access Journal Article
Tech-driven transformation: Investigating digitalization dynamics across varying firm sizes
by Eleonora Santos
JIE  2023 1(3):12; 10.58567/jie01030001 - 15 September 2023
The dynamic patterns of technology adoption among firms clustered by size are investigated to assess the implications arising from the digital divide. Using data from the “Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Enterprises (IUTICE)" dataset for 2003-2022, provided by the Portuguese Institute of Statistics, the research centers on three key vari [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Digital transformation in the New Zealand retail banking sector: Challenges and opportunities for elderly customers
by Indrapriya Kularatne
JIE  2023 1(3):13; 10.58567/jie01030002 - 11 October 2023
This research focuses on the digital transformation of retail banking in New Zealand, focusing on the challenges and opportunities elderly customers face. The banking industry is undergoing unprecedented change as technology evolves and customer needs change. However, elderly customers face physical and security challenges associated with digital transformation and lower accept [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Impact of third-party online payment systems on trade, export, import, and internet retailing
by Isaac Appiah-Otoo , Xudong Chen , Na Song  and  Camara Kwasi Obeng
JIE  2023 1(3):14; 10.58567/jie01030003 - 11 October 2023
This study estimates the impact of third-party online payment systems on trade, export, import, and Internet retailing in China. Also, the study examines the financial development mechanism via which third-party payment affects trade, export, import, and Internet retailing in China. By employing a sample of 31 provinces in China covering 2011 to 2018, the findings indicate that [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
Pseudocode and algorithms for computer simulations of democratically planned economies
by Mitchell Szczepanczyk
JIE  2023 1(3):15; 10.58567/jie01030004 - 26 October 2023
The claim that “there is no third way” besides the economic models of capitalism and communism has faced a challenge from a new and growing body of research into a “third way” economic paradigm known as democratic planning. In this paper, we explore one of these democratic planning models–Robin Hahnel and Michael Albert’s model of a participa [...] Read more

Open Access Journal Article
From E-commerce to V-commerce: Understanding the impact of virtual reality and metaverse on economic activities
by Robertas Damaševičius
JIE  2023 1(3):16; 10.58567/jie01030005 - 26 October 2023
This paper explores the transformative journey from traditional e-commerce to the emerging realm of virtual commerce (v-commerce) within the metaverse, a collective virtual shared space created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual reality. The metaverse, with its immersive and interactive capabilities, is reshaping the land [...] Read more
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