The purpose of the study is to determine the relationships between the factors, attitude towards food consumption and green purchase intention in organic food markets of Pakistan. A Total of 301 sample data was analyzed by SPSS and PLS-SEM. These statistical techniques were used to test the hypotheses. The study was supported the theories include theory of Reasoned Action, Planned Behavior, and expectancy-value model of attitude theory. It also enhances the intention of purchase to buy organic food. The study found that environment, consciousness of health, and safeties of food have significantly direct and indirect influence on Intention of purchase while, taste of food, and exposure of media only have significantly indirect effect on Intention of purchase. The study recommended that retailers should advertise organic food via social media or channels as media persuasively increase the chances to grab the consumer attention to buy the product.
Li, S. Investigating the Influence of Factors on Attitude Towards Organic Food. Energy Technologies and Environment, 2023, 1, 2.
AMA Style
Li S. Investigating the Influence of Factors on Attitude Towards Organic Food. Energy Technologies and Environment; 2023, 1(1):2.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Li, Shen 2023. "Investigating the Influence of Factors on Attitude Towards Organic Food" Energy Technologies and Environment 1, no.1:2.
APA style
Li, S. (2023). Investigating the Influence of Factors on Attitude Towards Organic Food. Energy Technologies and Environment, 1(1), 2.
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