Based on the behavioral theory of the firm, we investigate the impact of performance negative feedback on R&D efficiency. The results show that when performance falls below aspirations, firms pay more attention to R&D projects with high R&D efficiency to get rid of the operating pressure, reputation pressure and resource constraints caused by the decline in performance. This effect may be influenced by institutional differences. In the case of negative feedback, a good regional institutional environment is conducive to the improvement of R&D efficiency, while a weak regional institutional environment weakens this effect. Specifically, the higher the degree of IPR enforcement and financial market development, as well as the lower the degree of local government intervention, the more inclined firms are to increase R&D efficiency. The findings provide insights into understanding R&D efficiency improvement in the context of emerging markets.
Chongqing Social Sciences Planning Fund (2021BS084)
Humanities and Social Science Research Fund of Chongqing Education Commission (23SKGH181)
Chongqing Technology and Business University High-level Talent Introduction Fund (2255006)
Chongqing Social Sciences Planning Fund (2023BS041)
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ACS Style
Guo, F.; Xiang, Y.; Wang, P. Performance Negative Feedback and Firm's R&D Efficiency: Moderating Roles of Regional Institutional Environment. Review of Economic Assessment, 2024, 3, 37.
AMA Style
Guo F, Xiang Y, Wang P. Performance Negative Feedback and Firm's R&D Efficiency: Moderating Roles of Regional Institutional Environment. Review of Economic Assessment; 2024, 3(3):37.
Chicago/Turabian Style
Guo, Furong; Xiang, Yiwen; Wang, Pan 2024. "Performance Negative Feedback and Firm's R&D Efficiency: Moderating Roles of Regional Institutional Environment" Review of Economic Assessment 3, no.3:37.
APA style
Guo, F., Xiang, Y., & Wang, P. (2024). Performance Negative Feedback and Firm's R&D Efficiency: Moderating Roles of Regional Institutional Environment. Review of Economic Assessment, 3(3), 37.
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